We believe in developing lasting relationships with our patients and treating them with care and respect throughout their journey of healing. We follow the GCC code of ethics and have some extra of our own.
We offer a genuine and honest space where you know you can feel heard, feel considered and receive clarity. We give you the space to ask questions and advice and to build up trust with your practitioner to work towards your goals.
We have a disabled parking space at the back of the clinic with wheelchair access. Please call ahead if you require this so we can ensure it will be free for you ahead of time. If you require large print forms, assistance with reading or writing please let us know and we are more than happy to help.
If you are neurodiverse, experience sensory overload or social anxiety please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
We have a toilet on site, although a wheelchair will not fit.
We welcome children as patients and request that an adult attends the appointment.
Any safeguarding concerns will be raised in keeping with the safeguarding act.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse and would like any evidence stored on your file then please let us know. Confidentiality applies in all cases except those with a threat to life.
All of your data is stored securely in line with GDPR guideline and you may request copies at any point. Everything you say in the room is confidential, including between spouses and children.
You have the right to informed consent, that is knowing what is wrong, treatment options and expected treatment outcomes. You also have the right to withdraw consent or withdraw from treatment at any point.
We are proud to reduce the need for painkillers and the associated waste.
We do not use disposable plastic except for sterile purposes and we recycle where possible. We buy in bulk and avoid the use of any harsh chemicals or perfumes.
We also make sure we have air purifying plants around the clinic.